Ep. 003: What is Comprehensive Breast Cancer Rehab?

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Often, when people hear breast cancer rehab they think of lymphedema treatment, but there is so much more we can do! Comprehensive breast cancer care is about knowing how to prevent and treat ALL of the side effects of breast cancer. If patients have post-op issues such as seromas, lymphatic cording, shoulder dysfunction or core compromise…they need access to a rehab provider who can help! And sadly, there just are not enough of us. 

So many people are living with chronic pain after treatment, like post-mastectomy pain syndrome, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, joint pain, and dyspareunia. Often, these are seen as unfortunate side effects from life-saving interventions, but it doesn’t mean that they are not preventable and treatable! 

Imagine the ability of cancer patients to get early intervention at the time of diagnosis and improved continuity of care across all areas of rehab from acute care to outpatient services and home health. As our profession grows and continues to fill in healthcare gaps, oncology will be one of those areas that gains momentum as comprehensive cancer care expands.

Link to resources:

-         FREE resource! Safe Exercise Screening Tool for Breast Cancer Patients + Analysis & Next Steps

-        The Do No Harm Breast Cancer Rehab Guide tells you what modalities, exercises, manual therapies and more are contra-indicated or where you should take precautions after specific cancer treatments.